Adult movie ticket (rent-vignette, navi-shadow) - 60x41.5cm
Whiteboard, One Spotlight - 17.5x25cm
Whiteboard, Two Spotlights - 29.5x21.5cm
H-Leaping (trespass action), cover illustration for Yezi Lin - 35x23.5cm
Unititled (spotlight 1) - 50.5x32.5
Air Gap Juliet - 23.5x35cm
poster for "Birds of Paradise" salon, Rotterdam - 23.5x35cm
Red Nose Day - 50x64.5cm
love letter 2 - XxXcm
love letter 1 - XxXcm
Untitled (kilt study) - XxXcm
C29 Grave of the Loremaster (2021), Memory Accord (thanksbaby) (2022)
Out From The Grey

April - May 2024

curated by Stan Buglass at Chica Gallery, Pheonix AZfloorplan pdf
works shown: Chair Game (2022), C35 Passage from Death Kit (2021), Insurrection Airflow 1 (2021)
wooden structure by Natalija Gucheva
poster by Lizzy Jongdijk
Gathering #2 To Weave a Story

April 2024

co-curated by Natalia Gucheva & Sjoerd Beijers at De Verffabriek, Ghent (BE)
photo credit: Johan Poezevara
collaborative exercise with A Nonaj
poem by Ruby Reding
PZI Presentation 2 (Karel Doormanhof, Rotterdam)
April 2024

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